1745 Tax Lists, Perquimans County, North Carolina

Scanned from microfilm copies of the archival documents by Harold Colson in April 2000.

Source: North Carolina State Archives, Perquimans County, Tax Records, Taxables, 1742-1745 (Microfilm C.077.70003)

These are separate lists from district constables; complete county coverage may be lacking.

A List of the Masters & Mistresses of all the famileys from the Horss pull [ ? ] to the Virginia Line / October the 19th: 1745 Thomas Wiggens Came Before me and made oath that the above is a True List and that he hath Summonst Them to Give in There Taxables / Given under my hand James Sumner
14 names: front

A List of Taxables Taken for the year 1745 / Octobr: the 21d: 1745 The above List Was Given in to me on oath / Given under my hand James Sumner
15 names, most of which also appear in the document above; this list contains additional details about children, household members, and slaves: front

The List for yaw Pim District for the year 1745 Worned by mee Jacob Carruthers
60 names: front

Perquemons County August 1745 A List of tithables / a true List of tithables taken upon oath by me Thomas Gordon
41 names: front

Elias Stallings Constables List / August the 25th Day 1745
66 names: front | back

1745 The list of Tithables taken by Nathl: Carruthers
53 names, some of which also appear on Stallings list above: front

This is a true List of the masters and mistresses of familys and oversears of plantations in my District / [on reverse] The aforementioned Sumonsed for the year 1745 per John Perry Constable
72 names: front | back