1760 Tax Lists, Perquimans County, North Carolina

Scanned from microfilm copies of the archival documents by Harold Colson in April 2000.

Source: North Carolina State Archives, Perquimans County, Tax Records, Taxables, 1760-1764 (Microfilm C.077.70003)

These are separate lists from district constables; complete county coverage may be lacking.

A True List of the Masters and Misstreses of Familys warn'd by Samll: Barclift Constable, in his District to give in their List of Taxables / Octor: the 20th 1760
51 names: front

This is a true list of the names of the masters and mistresses and overseers of familys within my District which is Duly sumned acording to law by John Weekes / October Court an dom 1760
94 names: front | back

An account or list of the names of the masters mistressis and overseers of families with in the District of Edward Penrice one of his majesties Constabls within The County for the year 1760 which is as follows Next
38 names: front

Thos. Williams List Tidables / Proved before me this 20th Day of October 1760 Wm. Skinner
38 names: front | back

This is to sartifie the Worshipfull Court that here is a true List of all tithables Masters & Mistrises and Overseers in my District to the best of my Noledge / October the 18th 1760 [signed] Elias Stallinges Constable
61 names: front

This is [?] list of the names of Masters and Mistress and overseers of Plantations Summoned to give in their List of Taxables for the Year 1760 Persuant to a order of July Court / August 25th 1760 By Me Joshua Deale
119 names: front | back